Steam Whistle T-shirt

Steam Whistle T-shirt

Not only has Steam Whistle Brewing been making beer—a premium Pilsner that Canadians can be proud of—but they also focus on keeping our environment clean and our bodies GMO-free.

These days, more and more people are becoming aware of what they are putting in their bodies and how their surroundings are being kept. Personally, I felt that Canadians should be more conscious of the Steam Whistle’s contribution to all this.

This t-shirt design was conceptualized for a school project. In my design, I focused on making a premium beer as it demonstrates the four GMO-free ingredients being brewed inside the tree-looking bottles joined by a treetop. This design shows that during the process of making and getting the beer to the Canadians, there has been a great effort made to keep the environment as clean as possible. In the center of the image comes the quality beer. Preserving our environment is very important to me, as it is to many Canadians and people around the world.

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